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Autopia Electric Car and Hawaiian Quilts

Welcome to my Hawaiian Quilt Pics! by David Wotruba

Breadfruit or "ulu" quilt - 90 by 108 inches. A gift to my wife, Vickie Barrier.

Granddaughter Lindsey's Crown Flower Quilt presented on her 16th birthday 2012

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Hibiscus - 90 by 108 inches - Finished January 2014 Interview with Paula Akana - KITV Honolulu

May, 2015 - 2017 calendar from Island Heritage

 Plumeria - 82 by 88 inches. Given to my sister, Kathie.

Bombax Quilt - 90 by 108 inches. Given to my friend, Kathleen Vineyard.

Bombax Quilt #2 - 60 by 60 inches - gift to my granddaughter, Lauren, 6-23-2014, her 16th birthday

Crown Flower Quilt - 60 by 60 inches. Given to my daughter, Elizabeth, who died in February, 2013.

Kalalau Quilt - 105 by 105 finished 2015

My only American quilt. Finished by me for Ervina Sundt, Vickie's mother. Ervina started the quilt in the 1930's. 

My Hawaiian Garden, completed in 2013. Appeared in Lark Craft's 500 Traditional Quilts in December 2014. Showed in Honolulu - Houston - LaGrange - Chicago - Minneapolis - Portland, OR. Total attendance around 110,000.

My Hawaiian Garden appears in this book.

Iris quilt, hand appliqued, hand quilted, some machine stitching, about 1200 hours, finished 2015.

Yellow Roses 2018

Naupaka 60" x 60"

Monstera 60" x 60" under construction 2017

Heart of Roses

Very Large - completed 1-2017

David's dream finished January 2019

Antherium top started 2019

Given to our granddaughter, Lucille, on her 14th birthday in 2020.

A needlepoint coat I designed and built in the 1970's

For Vickie's piano teacher, Mary Elizabeth, who died in 2020. I "saved" the quilt by stabilizing and patching.


Crown Flower. Working on it. 2020.

Me - at a church - no damage done

My mother, Louise, in a drop-stitch knit coat I made.

Needlepoint, crochet, leather coat was in my first show at the Honolulu Academy of Art in 1975.

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